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Why You Shouldn't Use a Foreign Solution to Send Emails in Canada

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Foreign Solution to Send Emails in Canada

“Happy globalization’ doesn’t exist anymore. Since the 2007-2008 recession, trading barriers have spread across the globe and free trade agreements are becoming more and more rare. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump only reinforce this trend.” – François Normand, Les Affaires, March 25, 2017

In the context of the current global economy, when the time comes to send your next promotional email, you really need to think before clicking the send button. Here’s why:

Laws are becoming more regionalized

Since May 25, 2018, the European privacy law (GDRP) has taken effect, only a few year after the United States adopted their Can-Spam law. Canada is now currently revising their CASL law in order to amend and specify certain aspects.

More than ever, knowing the rules that are applicable to you and being compliant is primordial. Not only do you have to consider where your emails are originating from, but also which continent you are sending them to. No one is immune to these rules, and using a local platform that helps you be compliant is becoming more and more important.

The director of client relations at Cyberimpact, Mr Patrick Tremblay states that,

“for a few months now, we’ve seen an increase in the number of questions concerning legal matters. We see that more users–Canadian business owners and government organizations–prefer using a local platform to protect themselves from anti-spam laws. We are witnessing a regionalization of tools used to send promotional emails.”

No, this is not a matter of loyalty–trying to protect the local Canadian economy. It’s just a good idea to do so! However, as Stephanie Kennan mentions in Les Affaires, “emotion drives us, but the product must deliver”.

Data hosted in Canada

Take a moment to think about the data you are collecting during the process of email marketing. What type of information do you collect from your members, clients, partners, citizens, suppliers, etc. ?

  • Where is this data circulated and where is it stored?
  • Where is it saved within your organization?
  • Where is it shared and where is it located on the cloud?
  • Does GDRP apply?
  • Are you in compliance?
  • Is the data protected?

Not doing your homework can cause major problems. Although data stored in Canada doesn’t guarantee complete protection, but the risk of fraud is undeniably lower than if the data was stored abroad.

In Canada, government organizations should think that hosting their data locally is a good idea. Specially since the American Patriot Act allows the U.S. government to have access to all data stored in their country. Whether they come from another country or not.

Communicate in two official languages–a must in Canada

As a business or organization in Canada, it’s important to be able to communicate in both official languages. Hence, the importance of a platform that offers this option. For most government offices it’s mandatory to communicate in French & English. And not all email marketing platforms has this option easily available.

There is no doubt that with American (or other foreign) solutions, you can probably send emails in other languages, but what about titles, footers, email subscription forms, unsubscribe links, and marketing automation, etc.?

Also, we can’t ignore the fact that government organizations and large corporations usually only offer unilingual resources to their employees. Think about Ryan from Vancouver or Louis-Phillipe from Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec–it’s imperative that their user interface be in their language of choice in order for them to be able to effectively do their jobs. For example, a colleague can use French in Montreal, but in Edmonton it’s best to use English.

Pricing in Canadian dollars

Most solutions block functionalities from users with free accounts, smaller package, or smaller contact lists. And, most of these solutions are priced in American dollars. Cyberimpact on the other hand offers pricing in Canadian dollars, which makes a significant difference, making it cheaper than other solutions.

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) recommends Cyberimpact

We are proud partners of the Canadian Federation of Independent business since 2016. CFIB recommends Cyberimpact to their 110 000 members to better communicate with clients by email, and to ensure CASL compliance.

Developed by a passionate team right here in Canada, we are very proud of our product. We hire people locally in order to better meet the needs of our clients.

What are you waiting for? Get started today! Contact us by email at, by phone at 1-855-964-0868, or by chat through our website.

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