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Réduire votre dépendance à Facebook en tant qu’entreprise

As a business, reduce your dependency to Facebook

On October 4th, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp were down for what felt like an eternity for approximately 3 billion users. This outage also deprived millions of businesses and organizations of their major marketing tool and communication channel with their customers.

Imagine if you had organized a Facebook Live session at that moment! Or if you had launched a Facebook contest that was highly anticipated by your audience. Or better yet, planned an advertising campaign for the launch of your new product on that day. Let’s just say you wouldn’t have had the results you were looking for!

On social networks, you are a tenant

Of course, most companies and organizations are present on social networks. Many of them consider these platforms as communication and customer service avenues. They are also advertising platforms to reach new people in a specifically targeted way.

But your profile and your audience on these platforms are not your own. For example, you can’t even see the list of people who follow your Facebook page and if there’s a breakdown, you can’t contact them any other way.

Oh, and the landlord can change the rules of the lease at any given time! It may have already happened to you. one day an advertising tactic works well for you and the next, the rules change and it no longer works!

With email, you own them

When you use an email marketing tool like Cyberimpact, you are the owner of your data. You can consult all the information and even export it in a few clicks. 

It’s possible to regularly export your subscriber list and keep a backup copy. So, in case of a major breakdown, you can import your list into another tool and continue to communicate with your contacts. If you use Cyberimpact, we guarantee that you’ll never have to do such a thing, but it is technically possible!

A few suggestions for switching to email 

We aren’t advising you to stop posting on social networks or to stop your advertising campaigns, but rather to put in place some strategies to increase your subscribers list as much as possible.

When people visit your website, do they have multiple opportunities to sign up for your database by filling out a form? For example:

  • A simple form to subscribe to your newsletter
  • A free content offer (an online course, a digital book, etc.)
  • A webinar registration form

Si vous avez une offre intéressante pour les gens qui s’inscrivent, faites-en la promotion sur vos réseaux sociaux et invitez votre

If you have a great offer for people to sign up, promote it on your social media channels and invite your audience to sign up. This way, you’ll be in a better position during the next blackout and be less dependent on Facebook and others!

Especially since email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing methods! Discover 4 types of realistic goals for your email marketing (article only available in French).

Create a free account now so you can start collecting subscribers for your newsletter!

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