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4 Things Your Post-Crisis Communication Strategy Needs

4 Things Your Post-Crisis Communication Strategy Needs

In my previous blog post, I shared 4 angles of communication to favour during the confinement period. I highlighted the importance of using these practices to keep in touch with your clients and employees, and to help you stay top of mind.

But what about the post-crisis stage? Should we change the way we communicate? What types of messages will be better received and what’s the best time to send them. Planning your communication strategy is essential to putting this behind you with ease.

To help demystify the process, I recommend following the rule of the 4Rs: Recognize, Reassure, Reinforce and Reinvent.


“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher

The first step to take during a post-crisis period is to say THANK YOU. No business can weather a storm without the help of its employees, customers, suppliers, investors and external partners. Thus, a personalized email sent to recognize the contribution and support of everyone is in order.

For example, consider the following content:

A message/word from the president:

“Thank you to our community” followed by a mention of opening hours, what’s available in stock, a pick-up service, flexibility of payment methods, etc.

Happy to be there with you:

  • You’ve been spending more time at home and we’re proud to have been a part of that. Thank you for including us in your life!
  • Please continue to shop our website

This step is crucial to highlight the end of the crisis.


“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

The sudden arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic shook us all. While employees are questioning job security, customers and consumers are questioning the survival of companies and brands after the crisis. During a time of uncertainty, we must reassure our community and build stable, long-term relationships. To do this, I suggest sending an email to signify your presence and to reassure your clients that your business continues to exist… “we are still here.”

We’re here for you:

Send emails about your customer service team’s availability, delivery disruptions, schedule changes…For example: “We may be working from home, but our support team is ready to help you.”

Help them stay engaged:

Offer your clients the opportunity to acquire new knowledge through webinars, fun activities, tutorials, informative videos, etc. Be creative!


“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all” – Michael LeBoeuf

Clients have been bombarded with emails during the crisis informing them of opening hours, new sanitary measures, stock availability, delivery methods, etc. So staying silent after this difficult period is ill-advised. More than ever, customers will need to see and feel your presence, your generosity and your kindness towards them. Trust me, you will only be rewarded.

What I suggest is simple: once your customers are reassured, it’s absolutely necessary to create trust with a small gesture that strengthens the relationship.

Include a special offer or a free gift:

  • Keep this code for your next in-store visit (a message of hope that stores will reopen)
  • Free delivery anywhere in Canada. No minimum purchase required
  • Waving long distance charges

Know the human behind the buyer:

  • Sending a satisfaction survey to know your client’s opinions in order to analyze and improve your strategies.
  • Add a promotional code, discount coupon, purchase discount, etc. to this email. Receiving a gift is always welcome!


“A profound change will be preceded by a great moment of discomfort. It’s a sign that you’re reinventing yourself.” – Nicole Bordeleau

Individuals are going through an era of significant transformation, in society, within businesses and families. In order to continue operating, companies have had to review their ways of doing things and have adjusted to meet demands.

Online sales have exploded, some brands are out of stock while others are setting up new e-commerce websites. The most reluctant business leaders have finally accepted remote work, meetings by video conference have become the only means of communication to keep businesses running, and some restaurateurs are setting up home delivery services for the first time—the examples are infinite.

Reinventing themselves has allowed them to continue their operations. The pandemic has become a testing ground for new ideas. However, once these have proven successful, they must be adopted, adapted and above all communicated with pride. These emails are positive and spread good news.

  • Following the success of our online training, we are announcing that the platform will remain available to serve you.
  • Many of you appreciated our store pick-up service. We are happy to announce that we will continue to serve you in the way that is most convenient for you: in-store, online, and store pick-up.

While the world is confined to their homes, our Cyberimpact team has their hands full. Why? Because email offers that personal touch to get all kinds of messages across. Whether it’s to simply say ‘Thank you’, to send small gestures of trust, or to communicate news, email remains the ideal way to stay in touch, from home.

According to a study recently conducted by Lanla, a Quebec research firm specializing in customer experience, email remains the most effective way to communicate during COVID-19. It has proven to be 78% effective, followed by social media, ranking at 66%. It’s apparent that a digital marketing strategy is crucial, and that aligning your efforts will ensure the continuity and success of your business after the crisis. Will this be the end of a pandemic or the start of a new post-crisis era? I prefer to have a positive outlook and focus on the latter. So, don’t neglect planning for this stage and rest assured that our team is always there to support you.

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