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5 reasons to use a Quebec email marketing software

We often base our software research solely on price, but there are many aspects to consider when choosing a good email marketing software. Over the hype of large multinationals options, we sometimes forget to consider local options that might meet your exact needs.

In fact, we’ve found that customers who migrate from large enterprise software like Mailchimp to Cyberimpact can save 20% to 40% off their email marketing budget. So here’s a short guide with the best reasons to consider a local software for your email marketing strategy.

1. Developed by and to local businesses

Cyberimpact was specially developed to meet the specific needs of Quebec and Canada companies. Our platform was developed with the local market in mind; we used extensive research to understand the needs of local businesses and continue to make upgrades over the years.

One thing’s for sure: it’s always inspiring to be close to our customers and learn from them. In fact, we’ve produced several case studies demonstrating the efficiency and speed of results achieved by customers who use Cyberimpact for their newsletter mailings.

2. Better service

At Cyberimpact, our customer service is local too. It’s easy to reach us by phone or chat, and we’ll answer you in both English and French. No technical support nightmares here.

What’s more, our interface is bilingual, so you can send e-mails in both languages. FAQs, documentation, tutorials and a blog are available in both languages for in-depth information on topics of concern to you.

3. No more payments in USD

Choosing a local solution means choosing a package paid for in CAD. Invoicing in Canadian dollars avoids exchange rate fluctuations, which is a good deal compared to the U.S. dollar or the euro.

Opting for a Canadian software package therefore saves money, and is advantageous for SMEs who want to avoid exchange rate surprises.

What’s more, unlike some software packages that offer time-limited free trials, at Cyberimpact we have a lifetime free plan for up to 250 contacts with unlimited mailings.

4. Compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

With Cyberimpact, you’re assured of compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL), which, since 2014, has governed the distribution of commercial electronic messages and aims to eliminate fraudulent and/or dangerous emails. At the same time, our platform is fully equipped to help you comply with Quebec’s Law 25.

All our data is hosted in Canada. Our mailings are sent from Canadian servers, which means your newsletters are more likely to be received and opened. When your e-mails are sent from elsewhere in the world, they are more likely to be classified as spam. By hosting them in Canada, your data is better protected and safer.

What’s more, Cyberimpact’s system automatically classifies each of your subscribers according to the CASL, so there are no unpleasant surprises. Each month, you also receive a list of contacts whose consent is about to expire.

Cyberimpact differentiates itself by using Canada as its anchor. So you won’t have to worry about whether your mailings comply with the law. Visit our CASL section to learn more.

5. Encourage local businesses

By supporting a local company, you’re making a gesture of solidarity towards our businesses. Before thinking about companies from elsewhere, consider looking around you. Is there a Quebec alternative to the product or service you’re looking for?

Sometimes, the answer to this question requires some research, but the economy and the people here will thank you. Buying local is important and possible, even when it comes to newsletters and e-mail marketing!

Create a free account and find out why so many people turn to a Quebec-based newsletter company like Cyberimpact for their e-mail marketing.

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