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3 Templates for Creating Effective Email Newsletters with Ease

Whether you want to share your most recent blog post, news about your business, or what’s going on in your industry, sending a newsletter is the way to go.

A newsletter is the best way to maintain communication with your subscribers. Being perceived as a reliable source of information will ensure that your company remains present in your clients’ and prospects’ minds at all times. That way when your subscribers are ready to take action, you will be their first stop!

Creating a newsletter is relatively simple. You can easily import your contact list into Cyberimpact, choose a template, insert your content, and click send.

Although the frequency is at your discretion, in order for your newsletters to be effective the process must be organised and repeated regularly.

Although newsletters can be sent every week, every two weeks or once a month it is strongly recommended to send new content every time. Keep in mind that sending a newsletter at least once a month will help you keep a momentum of engagement from your subscribers.

There are different types of newsletters to choose from depending on the type of content you want to share.

The corporate newsletter template is perfect if you want to share news about your company, news about your products/services, and important updates.

If you regularly publish educational content (such as blog posts, videos, etc.), the content newsletter template is the one to choose. Use it to share your new creative endeavours with your subscribers.

The curation newsletter is a great way to send an informative email without having to create content yourself. Carefully pick a few blog posts or news articles written by others that are likely to interest your audience. Add a few comments and you’re done!

Check out the three templates below and choose the one that suits your needs.

The Corporate Newsletter

Email subject line: New to [insert name of your company]!



Here’s a sneak peek at what’s going on behind the scenes. Read more…


** Title ** [Insert New Feature] Now Available

We are pleased to announce the launch of [Insert name of new feature]. This new feature will allow clients to [insert more details about this feature].

Learn more [insert link to additional information]


** Title ** [Insert company news]

We are pleased to welcome a new [insert person’s position] to our team. [Insert name of person] will be in charge of [insert how this person will help clients].

Find out more about [Insert name of person]. [insert a link to the bio on your site]


** Title ** Your feedback is important to us

Help us serve you better by sharing your needs and expectations with us. If you are interested in participating in a short survey click here [insert link to the survey]. We appreciate your help.


[Insert your signature]

The Content Newsletter

Email subject line: [insert title of one of the articles / content]



Enjoy some of our latest blog posts. We thought you might be interested.


Our most recent post:

[Image representing the article]

[Insert title of article]

[Insert a short description]

Read the article [insert link to the article]


Our most popular post. How do you feel about it?

[Image representing the article]

[Insert title of article]

[Insert a short description]

Read the article [insert link to the article]


One last thing wanted to share with you. Check it out!

[Image representing post, invitation to a webinar, ebook, etc.]

[Insert title]

[Insert a short description]

Read more [insert link to article or page]


Questions or comments? Don’t hesitate! Reply to this email.


[Insert your signature]

The Curation Newsletter

Email subject line: [insert your industry] – Monthly News



Here’s the lowdown on what’s happening in [insert your industry].

We take it upon ourselves to make sure you stay informed. We’ve carefully picked some information we know you’ll find useful.

[Insert title of item # 1]

This blog post is about [insert topic]. This is an important topic since [insert reason].

Read post [insert link]


[Insert article title # 2]

Here’s an article about [insert topic]. We believe it will interest you since [insert reason].

Read article [insert link]


[Insert article title # 3]

Last but not least, we can’t ignore [insert the subject]. This article is a must-read because [insert reason].

Read article [insert link]


Questions or comments? Don’t hesitate! Reply to this email.


[Insert your signature]

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